Montessori materials
Italian doctor and pedagogue, Maria Montessori developed, after many years of research, a complete method of education. Based on the child's environment, her method mainly aims at making the child free and autonomous so that he can learn at his own pace. At home, the interior is not specially designed to be adapted to the child's size. On the Lignea Kids website, you will be able to see your child grow up safely thanks to Montessori furniture and equipment specially created for him/her with durable and high quality materials. We tested and we confirm, children love it!
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Why opt for Montessori materials at home?
As we have just mentioned, interiors are not thought to allow the child to evolve in complete autonomy. Yet, as he grows up, he naturally becomes interested in everything around him and wants to participate in the house too. It is therefore important to be able to place the child at the right height for learning the daily gestures. Be careful, it is by no means a question of abandoning your child to his fate so that he can do everything that comes to his mind. The Montessori method implies above all an optimal preparation of the environment where he evolves in order to respect his needs as a child. It is therefore a matter of allowing him to grow up with confidence and involvement. The less he will have to call on the adult, the more he will become autonomous by absorbing what interests him at a specific moment. He thus becomes an actor of his own development.
A Montessori house with materials adapted to your child
In order for your child to learn to be confident and to become autonomous, his environment must be adapted to his needs. Rest assured, you are in no way being asked to overhaul your entire furniture. Small adjustments will be enough to allow him to learn on his own and therefore to be autonomous from a young age.
Montessori furniture and equipment in the bedroom
As your child's bedroom is his or her privileged space on a day-to-day basis, it must be secure and adapted to his or her evolution. The bed should thus not be too high so that he can get in or out of it alone. A tent or canopy bed will therefore be ideal. In order for him to be able to choose but also put away his things by himself, the storage furniture must be at his height. The rack and the closet with shelf will allow him to be orderly. For his play and relaxation area, it should not be overloaded, he would not know where to turn and would quickly lose focus. Just make sure he has his favorite books and some educational toys within reach on a small bookcase at his height for example. The mirror with brachiation bar, meanwhile, will allow him from his first few months to discover his reflection and later to work on his motor skills to help him learn to walk.
Montessori observation equipment in the kitchen
Many children want to participate in making a good cake, kneading the dough, mixing, transferring ingredients from one container to another, etc. A chair or stool is not safe enough for a child. The learning tower, which is also known as an observation tower or even aptly called an awakening tower, will allow him to share special safe moments with you during which you have your hands free.
Montessori grooming materials
Bathroom furniture can make daily grooming complicated for your child. With the Montessori sink, you'll allow him to have all of his things at his height. This means he won't be coming backwards to wash his hands, comb his hair and brush his teeth. He will be proud to be able to do everything by himself, like a grown-up.
To conclude, by opting for wooden Montessori furniture and materials, you are offering your child the opportunity to gain autonomy in a caring and secure environment.
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